31 December 2022
Good, bad or ugly ?
Tuco (reading from a note): “See you soon, [he struggles to read the next word.] Idi.. idi..” ‘Blondie’: “Idiots. It’s for you.” - Tuco (Eli Wallach) and ‘Blondie’ (Clint Eastwood) in ‘The Good, the Bad and the Ugly’, dir. Sergio Leone, 1966.
9 December 2022
A Christmas miscellany
"I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food." - W.C. Fields.
3 December 2022
Chauffeur knowledge and the crack-up boom
“Never confuse education with intelligence; you can have a PhD and still be an idiot.” - Richard Feynman.
26 November 2022
The most important words in investment – and life
“There’s always something to do.”