13 April 2024
Brain storm
“I see widespread evidence of.. ‘sustained incoherence’ in corporations; governments; health systems and education – everywhere that management culture holds sway.."
6 April 2024
No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die
"The spectre that waits in the wings of any inflation, including the American, is the general exodus of the people from the currency when they lose faith in it at last. When this spectre steps in from the wings, the government's games are over and the final curtain is not far away."
30 March 2024
Forward, boldly, to the past
"The financial services industry is itself hard-wired for the creation of bubbles"
23 March 2024
Prepare for “a religious experience”
"The next major leg up in the gold price will prove to be a religious experience for those people unfortunate enough to find themselves short."